Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Well, this started out as being at the very least, a weekly updated blog. But seeing as how I have no time in which to do this, these posts will only come when I want to. Or when something amazing happens. Like last week.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The name may turn some people off, and the content is not for everyone. Some people have a problem with the cheesiness of the program, and I do admit, it is a bit old school. But I personally enjoy this series immensely.

But as I was watching Buffy last week, (I am now in the 5th season) something incredible happened.

I cried.

Up til now I've prided myself on two things.

1. Never falling alseep during a movie/TV. And...

2. Never crying during a movie/TV.

Well, the second is now a moot point.

The episode entitled, "The Body", was what trigered the reaction. For those of you who have not seen it, I will try not to give anything away. But Buffy's mother dies in this episode. Now, Joice Summers was not a regular character, but she was beloved by all. She didn't have a significant role in the slayage, she rarely left the house, but she was always there, ready to lend a hand and advice to Buffy and the Scooby's. And then the untimely demise.

In the story, Joice had just gone through a bout with a brain tumor, and it seemed as though she had recovered fine. She came back home, went back to work, and as the previous episode showed, even started dating again. Life was back to normal. Which was part of the genius. No one was expecting it. It was sudden.

I'm not going to talk too much about the story, basically the entire episode was a bunch of shell-shocked people trying to figure out what just happened. The acting was incredible. I give high points to all the cast members. The way thay all pulled off the emotions and produced the tears, moved me in the same way. But it was the way in which the episode was filmed and edited that got me the most.

Written and Directed by the series creater, Joss Whedon, the entire episode had no music. Most times that's a huge no-no in hollywood, but it worked to great proportions here. At times when you expected the music to swell and help the scene along, there was silence, and despair filled the screen. As Buffy herself is left alone in the house with her mothers body lying on the floor, it was silent. Nothing. Just raw, pure emotion.

I teared up very near the beginning, but it doesn't count as crying unless they excape my eyes and roll down the cheek. Finally, the one scene that brought it on. Buffy's friends, Xander, Willow, Anya and Tara are standing around, talking about what is going to happen. It was a long scene, but I didn't notice. As each character had their breakdown in tears, it was Anya's emotions that finally clinched it for me. Again, I won't give away spoilers, but I feel you have to watch it to fully understand what I mean.

Joss Whedon, you are a genius. I have enjoyed everything you have made up til now. I hope Hollywood sees the errors of their ways and gives you free riegn. Kudos. Kudos.

Live Free, Fight Hard, Die Well.

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